Global Game Jam 2025: Bubbles
FGJ2024: End Where You Started
G&F: Playground
FGJ2023: Give and Take
1HGJ: Flying Saucer
1HGJ: Hot Air Balloon
Multiplayer Kajam 2023
Clicker Jam Spring 2023: Other Direction
River management planning
FGJ2022: Two Worlds
1HGJ: 2 Colors
Alakajam: Islands
1HGJ: Speedrun
Week Sauce August 2022
1HGJ: Laser
1HGJ: Long Distance Runner
1HGJ: Bees (again)
1HGJ: Moon :)
Alakajam: Fungi
1HGJ: Spring For Life
FGJ2021: Growth
A Game By Its Cover 2021
Multiplayer Kajam 2021
1HGJ: Stealth
1HGJ: Like, Subscribe and hit the Bell
1HGJ: The world turned upside down
7dfps raycasting
FGJ2020: Anticipation
1HGJ: Halloween
Games And Festival Jam: Companion
Frankgen Game Jam 2019
1HGJ: Gravity
Kajam: Casual
1HGJ: Santa
1HGJ: Life
1HGJ: Falling
1HGJ: Darkness
1HGJ: Island
BBQJam18: Hot Sauce
5th Kajam: Retro
1HGJ: Electricity
1HGJ: Four Elements
1HGJ: 5 seconds
1HGJ: That's not supposed to be a weapon
1HGJ: Two Colors
1HGJ: 1 Object
1HGJ: Your favourite Game
1HGJ: Unexpected
1HGJ: 2-player
1HGJ: Magic
1HGJ: Second Chance
LD41: Combine two incompatible genres
1HGJ: Random Access Memory
1HGJ: Fall
1HGJ: Walls
1HGJ: Breakable Objects
1HGJ: Theft
1HGJ: Brutal Roguelike
AKJ2: You can't see everything
1HGJ: Frogs
1HGJ: Time Travel
1HGJ: Moon
1HGJ: Submerged
1HGJ: From Point A to Point B
1HGJ: Up
1HGJ: Game inside a Menu
1HGJ: Snow
SemesterGameJam: Attraction
1HGJ: Fire
LD40: The more you have, the worse it gets
1HGJ: Space
1HJG: Forest
1HGJ: Defend!
1HGJ: Rhythm
1HGJ: Costumes
1HGJ: Too many Limbs
1HGJ: Never Test
Gaminfection Hackathon: Pneumonia
1HGJ: Run
AlakaJam: Alchemy
1HGJ: Wizard
1HGJ: Arcade
1HJG: Space
MiniGameJam: Invisibility
1HJG: One Room
Wavelength 2 Color Converter
1HGJ: Where no man has gone before
1HGJ: Wave
1HGJ: The World Below
1HGJ: Cheating
1HGJ: One Button Controller
1HGJ: The Midas Touch
1HGJ: Purposly Bad
1HGJ: Lava
SemesterGamejam 2017
1GHJ: Lost
1HGJ: Switch
1HGJ: Square
1HGJ: Bees
1HGJ: Rockets!
1HGJ: Shop
1HGJ: Gold
LD38: Small World
1HJG: One Button
1HGJ: Wind
1HGJ: Trains
1HGJ: Mine
1HGJ: Cat Emoji
1HGJ: complete and utter nonsense
1HGJ: Tunnel
1HGJ: Flipper
LD37: One Room
Mini Game Jam: Randerscheinung
1HGJ: Limes
The ultimate gamedev challenge
1HGJ: 2 Button Controls
1HGJ: Isolation
1HGJ: Create
LD36: Ancient Technology
Granny on the search for her goat
1HGJ: Mouse
Help Dave find all the meteor fragments!
1HGJ: Jetpack
1HGJ: Castle
Semester Game Jam 2016
1HGJ: Colors
1HGJ: When Pigs Fly
LD: Shapeshift
1hgj 50
1HGJ: Tutor panicky students
1HGJ: Day and Night
1HGJ: Waiting Room
Devmania 2015. Theme: A winter's dream
1HGJ: Conformist
1HGJ: Chain Reaction
You are the Monster
Defeat the Golden Cobra gang
Playing cards with four values per card
Space marines did not work, so we tried space tanks.
An unconventional weapon
The Beast Force!
A role-playing game where you must find enchanted furniture while upgrading your gear.
A Game where you cure humans to make a business
Ludum Dare 31 -- entire Game on one screen
ZFX-Action 5 Place 1
Devmania 2014. Theme: Memes
Every time you make a typo the errorists win
Seek and destroy your enemies!
Commando WG-1
Elions Curse
The classic Space Invaders
Have fun with a fully customizable world and tribe.
Sbläddah your enemies to death!
-Invite your friends to dinner!
You've been trapped beneath the surface in Scofield Mine. Find a way out of it.
Snake with a hexagonal twist
Epic thunderstorm monkey fight with explosive bananas
Destroy helicopters in juicy retro style
LD28: You only get one die.
The good & old Bomberman
Devmaina 2013: Refugee accident - save the migrants
A small open world puzzle game
About sweet bunnies and censorship
A real old one. Puzzle with colorful balls